This means, you can set last target + push the macro for peace last target out of monster agro range and just run to your enemy. Special advantage for peacers: You have some kind of 'pre'-barding cursor up, which auto-fires once you come into range of the selected (last target) monster. Theres no options, other than becoming a bard for boringly easy kills, or a tamer at the expense of you no longer being the primary form of DPS, cause theyd out pace you until you finally get aspect-ed gear.
The advantage of this method is, you are way faster than pushing provo hotkey, selecting the first health bar and selecting the second health bar, because the selection of the first health bar via last target can be done out of range of the mobs (they agro at ~10 tiles distances, while you can view 20 tiles max.) Less you want to be an archer, but good luck running around without a good source of parry if the mobs dont get stuck. use 'set last target' in Razor)ģ) Fire off a macro that provokes/ peaces last target.Ĥ) If provo was chosen, than you just click on the 2nd monster's health bar when in range for the provo. Use the Ctrl-Shift method for easier dragging.Ģ) Set one of the monsters as last target (e.g.
My method, which I would in all modesty say is DA BEST:ġ) Drag all health bars out.