🎁Collect from FriendsĮach friend can send you one Spin daily, allowing you to collect up to 100 FREE Spins in total from all of your friends per day. 🤯 Just remember that Spins can only be collected for up to 250 friends who join the game through your link and follow all of these steps. Yup, you can earn FREE Spins when you invite friends to play who have never downloaded the game before. Then, choose the items you want and follow the on-screen instructions to complete your purchase. The store, offers, and packs are always available for you to purchase Spins! You can access them by clicking on any of the icons in the upper left-hand side of the Main Screen and the Village Screen. Join us on social media now and be rewarded! 🏪Purchase Spins
🐷 🧑💻Coin Master Social Media Pagesĭon't miss out on the chance to win exciting prizes, including Spins, by following all our social media pages! Plus, conveniently access all the daily gifts we offer from our accounts in one place by visiting our Rewards Center, which is even updated in real time. Have you ever found yourself fresh out of Spins when all you want to do is play?! 😫 We know the feeling, so luckily for you, we’ve come up with a list of all the different ways you can get your fix and earn Spins quickly.